Right, so about that: I have a good reason, I swear! There are, in fact, several good reasons. And if you're here reading this, I'm going to go ahead and assume you're at least vaguely curious as to what those are. So.
Most of them can be summed up as the following: blah-blah-blah accelerated university course load, blah-blah-blah time consuming (though awesome) unpaid job, blah-blah-blah life being its usual (*cough*) charming self. Nothing original there, but four especially interesting months of voluntary psychosis ensued.
But! The other (and best) reason! Writing awesomeness! Progress at last! So much solid progress that I can't seem to stop using exclamation points! This is a genuine concern!
Anyway, the progress: yesterday I surpassed my personal record of 17,300-ish words as the most I've ever written of an entirely original work of fiction (a distinction important to make, since I have in the past written a few rather lengthier pieces for fun on fanfiction.net - great place to practice technique by the way, for any that haven't given it a go). I'm now nearing 20,000 words after putting the finishing touches on chapter three of my budding (*knock on wood*) debut novel yesterday night.
Obviously, still a long way off from
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Image courtesy of Prakairoj/FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
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Image courtesy of StuartMiles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
Also, in other recent news, a book review I wrote has been published in the journal of arts and literature I work for, so eureka! Publication number two! It may just be a review, but I'll take my victories where I can get 'em :)
And now that I've resurrected this little-blog-that-could, I'll get back to more regular postings, along with including a regular ongoing word count of my YA novel endeavor - partly wanting to get publicly dorkily excited over the fact that HOLY CRAP, I ACTUALLY AM GETTING SOMEWHERE (...did I mention it's been years since I've reached the end of a chapter 3 of anything?? - sad, but true, so... WOO-HOOOOOO!), but also hopefully as an incentive to keep on keeping on with my current writing roll.
So, current word count as of this afternoon: 19,675.
Mua-ha :D
And now back to work.